Adapting Lacrosse for Blind Players

People in the lacrosse community are passionate about all things associated with this great sport. We believe what sustains this passion is stories like the Parkville Adaptive Lacrosse program in Maryland. Marty Delaney has worked with developmentally challenged youth from the beginning of this century and is potentially expanding the program’s local reach by addressing a group that hasn’t received a ton of attention. The Blind.
Maryland School for the Blind
Marty and his squad recently held an event with the Maryland School for the Blind, engaging with kids that need attention and that can benefit from exposure to the world of sports, especially lacrosse. Marty’s vision is to bring innovation with balls and equipment to get the visually challenged closer to the game through sound. We applaud Marty for spreading new ideas into the game far and wide. At Swax Lax, we are happy to consult with Marty on new technologies for the sport that will embrace all who love lacrosse.
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